Thursday, August 12, 2021

Why are we here

Since the time immemorial

in many different cultures,

Most people grow up as crops

few get carved in to sculptures.

many such crops every few decades

countless since the Earth has been alive,

What have we learnt yet

beyond 'how to survive'.

When we were born in this world

society elders hold the sway,

they become our masters

expecting us to adopt thier way,

We grow up and begin to enjoy

food, play and conjugal life,

get working, in order to earn

in this race, we forget to learn.

Why we are here in first place

and what are we doing?

where did we come from? 

and where are we going?

Air Force Song

 My Version [Chorus] सूर्य के वीरो लो अभिनन्दन । सूर्य के वीरो ले लो प्रण ॥ सूर्य के वीरो लो अभिनन्दन । सूर्य के वीरो ले लो प्रण ॥ [Verse] व...